Bedford Speedway » 2015 Results


June 14th, 2015
 For the third time in the last four weeks Bedford Speedway was weather affected Friday night.  Completed was the Pure Stock makeup from the week prior and all the qualifications for the new show, but a big storm blasted into the area during the kids candy toss, postponing the feature events until a later date.
     Travis Group was the Pure Stock winner after John Howsare failed his trip through the tech line,  his first of the season.  Howsare had started on the front row and led the distance.  Beau Aikey and a mob put on a great battle for second for the duration of the event, with Group securing that spot on lap 5.  Group was no match for Howsare who was on a rail and won easily.
    Howsare ended a long long dry spell by winning his first event this century until he hit the tech line.  Group’s lap 5 move paid off handsomely though as Howsare’s car flunked tech and Group was declared the winner.  In the revised finish, Reed Stickel, Aikey, Brad Feight and Ed Vogel completed the top 5.  Heats, run on June 5,  were won by Group and Howsare.
   With bad weather approaching, the Bedford track team went into efficieny mode,  completing all 10 qualifying heat events and dispensing the candy on the track for the kids.  But as the kids ran for the goods, the sky opened creating a mud fest.  The qualified feature events will  be spun off as the track schedule allows in the future.
PURE STOCK  15 LAPS…Travis Group, Reed Stickel,  Beau Aikey,  Brad Feight,  Ed Vogel,  Tyler Alkire,  Kyle Weyandt,  Travis Brown,  Trent Clark,  Owen Baughman,  Terry Norris,  Travis Vogel,  Amber Mills,  Matt Diehl,  Josh Ringler,  Terry Mitchell,    DNS  Haggerty,  Dave Lambert,  Dave Riley,  Justin Queen,  Rosenberger,  Bill Replogle.  DQ  Howsare